Student Services


Student Services is a vital and integral part of the program at St. Theresa’s Catholic High School. In an effort to support students in their academic endeavours, career planning, and personal growth, a number of programs are offered by the Student Services Department. These programs are delivered through Chaplaincy Services, Guidance Services, Cooperative Education and the Student Success Program. As well as these services, there are a number of additional resources provided by the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board. Referrals to outside agencies can be coordinated through the Student Services Department.

ChaplaincyA Chaplain oversees the spirituality of the school which incorporates many areas such as school masses, reconciliation, prayer services, retreats for all students, and fund raisers for Social Justice. The Chaplain is also available for counselling.

Guidance—The guidance program is an essential part of the total school curriculum. It is a composite of the schools’ instructional, counselling, consultation, co-ordination, and liaison activities that are planned and implemented to assist student orientation, program selection and preparation for the next level of student or entry to the working world. Counsellors are available to assist students and their families in this decision making.

Make a Guidance Appointment
Mr. Pellarin (Gr 9,10,11 and 12 A-M)
Ms. Janveau (Gr 9,10,11,12 N-Z)

Timetable Changes - Students must follow the printed timetable given to them on the first day of each semester.Timetable changes will occur for students who have been unsuccessful in a subject or need a level change during the first week of the semester. If you are under the age of 18, you must have written consent for all timetable changes.

Subject Drops - Students with 22 credits or less must carry a full timetable of 8 courses unless special arrangements have been made.

Student Success—Through innovative programs developed as part of the Student Success Strategy, success for students who are struggling with the curriculum or are disengaged is a growing reality in Ontario schools. New approaches to engaging these students have been introduced. Some of these approaches include: improving the transition from elementary to high school, tracking the progress of students at risk of not graduating, re-engaging early school leavers, providing direct support and instruction for struggling students, and working with parents and the community to support student success.

Transcripts - Transcripts are available by calling the Student Services Department and ordering them.  We require your full name (when you attended here - ie: maiden name), date of birth, phone number to contact you, why you require a transcript, and application number if applying to a college or university.  
COST: $10.00 per transcript  They take 24 hours to process.