As soon as you know your student is going to be absent or late, please call the 24 hour attendance line at 705-526-1311 extension 6 to notify us. Communication between home and school is critical for our attendance policy to be effective.
Automated Call/Email Home
In the evening, an automated telephone and email system will attempt to contact the home of students who are absent without notification. This notification will be sent each evening for students with unexplained absences. Please reply to this notification or call the attendance line about this absence as soon as possible.
Picking up a student early/for appointment
In order to minimize disruption to classes, we require you to let us know in advance when you need to pick up your student early. The best way to do this is call the attendance line in advance. The student is to bring this note to the office first thing in the morning. ***Please note we do NOT permit parents to sign their student out to remain on school property. Do not call the office to excuse your student to watch a sporting event or to work on other class work in the library or cafeteria. If you sign your student out, we expect that they have left the property.
Attendance during Mass and Other Liturgical Celebrations
Attendance during religious celebrations of any sort is a mandatory requirement of all students. Unless a student has been made exempt through the S.M.C.D.S.B. Religion exemption policy, all students who elect not to attend will be considered truant and progressive discipline measures will apply. We respectfully request that you do not sign your students out for appointments on Mass days.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact the school with any questions or concerns.