Written by Elizabeth Adams, Student Journalist
According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) 70% of mental health problems have their onset in childhood and adolescence and young people ages 15-24 are more likely than any other age group to experience mental illness. With this in mind the St. Theresa’s Catholic High School Mission Team organized a spirit day on Thursday, February 20th to raise more awareness about mental health. St. Theresa’s students participated in a buy-out out of uniform day. For a toonie you could wear your most comfortable clothes to school. Walking through the hallways that day, you could see everyone in their Roots track pants, baggy sweaters, and yoga pants.
Mission team member Ben B. said that on Civvies days most students tend to wear their nicest clothes. He feels students at St. Theresa’s do not have many opportunities to wear their most comfortable clothing. This could tie into a campaign for awareness of mental illness. The alliterative title Clothes for Comfort was then created. Students will donate all of the proceeds to the Seasons Centre for Grieving Children.
The Seasons Centre for Grieving Children is a Simcoe County based charitable organization that provides care and support to children, teenagers, and their families who are experiencing the loss, or life-threatening illness, of a loved one. Their programs are free of charge and they are funded solely by generous donations. They are committed to finding hope amongst the grief.
In addition to the comfortable clothes, Sydney M. had the idea to sell stickers. The Stickers for Stigma were sold on both junior and senior lunch by representatives from the Mission team. In total Clothes for Comfort and Stickers for Stigma raised approximately $1,200 dollars. All of that money will directly help young people in our area through the most difficult times of their lives.
This event was the perfect introduction to the Lenten season now upon us. During Lent Catholics are encouraged to pray, fast, and do almsgiving. When Jesus Christ was ministering to the crowds he went up the mountain and he taught his disciples the 8 Beatitudes. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Thanks to the amazing participation and generosity of the students at St. Theresa’s, the Seasons Centre can continue its mission of comforting those who mourn. At St. Theresa’s it is our motto to, “Do small things with great love”. The Mission Team will be travelling to Ecuador in late April with this in mind.