Written by Sarah Watt, Student Journalist
At St. Theresa’s Catholic High School in Midland, it is once again time for the annual Terry Fox Run. Organized by student council (also known as StuCo) the event has been a success for many years. StuCo started collecting money for The Terry Fox Foundation on October 1st and held the annual walk around the track on October 4th.
Members of StuCO were very busy in the days leading up to the event. Through a variety of fun events such as hair braiding by the hair and esthetics class, busking in the foyer, and classroom visits, the entire school came together to support an extremely worthy cause.
One class that truly deserves recognition for their efforts is Mr. Dalziel's American history class. Mr. Dalziel told his students that he would match all of their donations! His class brought in a total of $85 so with Mr. Dalziel’s contribution, the class donated an impressive grand total of $170!
After all the fundraising efforts, the school raised a total of $1229.90! Maeve W. said, “I am so happy with how this year’s fundraising went! It makes me proud to be part of the St. Theresa’s community.” Sam M., StuCo president, said, “We raised more money this year than we have in past years and I truly believe that shows how hard working our school community is! We all worked together for such an amazing cause.”